Lawyer graduated from the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (1996) and Master in International Economic Law (LL.M. 2001) from the University of Warwick (UK). With postgraduate studies in Law at the University of Buenos Aires, the University of Korea, the International Trade Center (ITC) and the United Nations (UNECE/UNcefact) in Geneva, and in Economics at the Ludwig Von Mises Institute in Alabama. . He is an Expert in Incoterms 2020 accredited before the ICC (Mexico-2019) and Arbitrator in the Lima Chamber of Commerce.
Expert in foreign trade regulation strategies, life sciences and public law. He has been the leader of Trade Facilitation for the USAID Project Facilitating Trade and Standards Alliance. Former official of the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism (Mincetur), negotiator of international trade agreements and former president of the Commission for the Elimination of Bureaucratic Barriers of Indecopi. In the private sector, he belonged to law firms in the practice of International Trade and Corporate Law.
He has been an expert witness and expert witness in various Investor-State disputes before ICSID (Washington DC). He has been a consultant to the Peruvian Government, Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), World Bank, German Cooperation (GIZ), Asia Pacific Cooperation Forum (APEC) and USAID, in trade facilitation and information exchange platforms, and regulatory improvement.
Speaker at the World Conference of Authorized Economic Operators in Cancun-Mexico, 2016; at the Information Technology and Trade Facilitation Conference in Dakar-Senegal, 2016 and Lima 2018, of the World Customs Organization; Technology applied to trade facilitation at the World Meeting on Customs Law in Panama 2018, and at various international meetings on Trade Facilitation and e-commerce in the Pacific Alliance and Apec.
Visiting Professor of Foreign Trade at the University of Turabo in Puerto Rico. Former professor of International Trade and Franchise Law at the UPC and the Universidad del Pacífico.